Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Linville Falls: Plunge Basin Overlook

Hiding behind the bathrooms at the visitor's center is one of the lesser traveled trails of Linville Falls/Gorge. It's an easy hike through thick growth of rhododendron and mountain laurel and view at the end is simply spectacular.

broken tree

baby maple leaves


linville falls

mountain laurel grove

little red fluffy


rock layers

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blue Ridge Parkway: Rough Ridge Trail

MP 302.8 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. 1/3 mile hike. Awesome view. You need to go there.

view from the boardwalk

 view of grandfather mountain

bridge over a neat little stream

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey Baby!

This past weekend we went for a stroll through the NC State Arboretum with our friends Marina and Daniel Thompson and our very new friend Xavier.

 xavier matisse thompson


 marina & her new bundle of joy

marina & xavier

theo veil

Dinner/Breakfast of Champions

My dinner = Theo's breakfast, but regardless of what we call it, it tasted just as good as it looked.

pre-grill kebabs


roasted potatoes

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Goodbye Snow.

Hello Spring!

phlox & periwinkle



 more redbud

mountain laurel

cherry blossoms

Das Auto


Old School

My boyfriend's Jetta:


My Friend Cory's VW Bettle:

Oh, the weather outside is weather.

Yesterday: 75 degrees, sunny...I actually got a sunburn while I was outside reading a book.

Today: 34 degrees, snow & rain.
Mother Nature: Bipolar :: Charlie Sheen: Bi-winning